Dear Mrs. Yokota,

The theme of my portfolio is freedom. No really, the theme is unpredictability. I am not an unpredictable person all the time, just when I feel like it. Sometimes, I don't know what I'm thinking. Often, I just sit there thinking abstract thoughts. People deserve the freedom to do what they want, even if it's nothing. I enjoy just sitting there and listening instead of talking. I believe actions speak louder than words. That's why when I'm around friends who may understand me even and iota, I do funny things. It's not confidence, it's unpredictability. I like to watch people squirm when they can't tell what I might do.

My personal philosophy is to do what you do and not care about how other people think. That's why I can usually be found not talking or doing anything. For some reason, some people don't approve of this. I don't want to share my ideas usually because I know others won't comprehend. They will never get into my head and I can't get out my feelings unless I'm really passionate about something (Like Star Trek). I don't think I'll even conform to conventional thinking. Oh, well!

All my pieces of writing have unique perceptions. I'm always interested in the weird and mysterious things of this universe. In my writings, I have cats, the mysterious creatures of the world. In fact, they are my most favorite animals. They are beings that can't be fully understood by humans. They never do what you expect them to do. Another mystery of the universe is aliens. I'm sure that they are out there somewhere. Hey, I've always been a free thinker! Who am I to say that there aren't any aliens? Although I'm sure that the government has something to say about that. I like to write about subjects that others may not normally do, like fantasy or science-fiction. Your writings are supposed to be reflections of what you have experienced. And maybe my works do.

As you will read, they don't deal with reality. I reject the real world in my writings. When I do write of fact, it's twisted into the way I see it. I enjoy watching others try to figure out my words. The strange and powerful forces of this great universe will never be understood.

And neither will I.

Your Faithful Student,

Roalee Manuel

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